Thank you to everyone who came out and auditioned this past Saturday for our Competition Divison & G Crew team! You all did great even with the added pressure of Valley News Live stopping by (thanks for the surprise visit VNL).
Choosing the teams this year wasn't an easy task. We did some restructure & rearranging of the different team names as well. We really wanted to focus on matching dancers together that would form a well rounded team.
All members should initial next to their name at the studio if you accept the position on the team. The list to initial is on the bulletin board near studio M.
So withour further ado, your 2016 - 2017 GSD Competition Teams.
Alex Kirch
Dylan Johnson
Emma Kulla
Tegan Lancaster
Mateo Leslie
Camille Miller
Lauren Philbrick
Kyla Andvik
Sofia Astolfi
ArieAnna Chandler
Ava Jung
James Kirch
Drew Noah
Emma Hetland
Isabella Kirch
Kate Schelske
Grace Tuton
The above list is in no particular order. Again, we wanted to pair people with up with others that we felt would work together and dance well as a group.
The first competition practice and TEAM / PARENT meeting will be this Saturday, September 10 at 3:00pm. Come ready to dance.
Also, NEW this season is G Crew who will be working with head coach, Shaina. We are excited for this team and what they will accomplish this season. They will be performing in-town as well as local competitions. First, team practice & team / parent meeting this Friday, September 9 at 5:05pm. Come ready to dance.
G Crew
Mary Beth Porter
Lily Soleim
Madeleine Turner
Congratulations to all!!