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Winter In Studio Showcase 2024

This week we are going to celebrate the mid-season point with an in-studio showcase! Get ready to see your dancer’s progress.

Who can come?

Feel free to invite the grandparents and those that support your dancer.


You will be invited into the classroom by the instructor the last 10 - 15 minutes of their scheduled class. Please, wait to be invited into the room by the teacher.

When to arrive?

You should arrive to the studio at least 30 minutes before the end of class. This allows you time to find parking, hang up your coat, and remove your shoes. And so you don’t miss being invited into the classroom. Give yourself plenty of time.

Please note that we do not allow wet shoes / street shoes in the studio classrooms, they can damage our dance flooring, so we do ask that you remove street shoes before entering the classroom. Thank you.

What is the In-studio showcase?

Classes will demonstrate a warm-up or dance combination they have been working on. The dancers will perform it for you 1-2 times. Some classes may share multiple things with you that they have been progressing towards.

Additional Details

  • We will have places to sit, or feel free to stand or sit on the floor.

  • You can take pictures or video tape your dancer.

  • We will have snacks and refreshments in the lobby to enjoy after class.

  • Don’t forget your handouts before you leave! We will be handing out a Spring Gala General Information Sheet + Summer 2024 Schedule & Camps!

We can’t wait for you to see the progression of your dancer at this point in the season.

Questions? Contact us at or call 701-234-9440.



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